Friday, February 6, 2009

Detoxing Our World

This week, I am in New York City studying with Manhattan Nutritionist Natalia Rose, author of The Raw Food Detox Diet and notable colon therapist and catalyst for healing, Gil Jacobs. Words can not describe the awesomeness of such an experience.

Yes! It's cold here but the warmth that I and about 20 others from around the world, have received from Natalia and Gil has been amazing and well worth enduring winter's chill. Not to mention the friendships and bonds that have been created. There are people from as far as Australia who have come to attend this training. Truly, I believe that we as a circle represent the greater consciousness that is taking place around the planet.

People are finally waking up to themselves in a very real and authentic way. And while to some, this may sound like a bunch of new age mumbo jumbo, it (the awakening) is as real as the wiggle of a big toe. It's obvious. It's something that we can all feel, experience and contribute to. The planet is experiencing a paradigm shift in which folk are finally starting to realize that we are each others keeper, that we can heal ourselves, our lives, our relationships, our spirits.

This was more than a visit to NYC to learn more about cellular cleansing and nutrition. It was more than protocols for safe and effective detoxification. At some unspoken level, this was a confirmation of the changes that we are all either experiencing or wanting to experience regardless of whether we are even aware of it or not. On some conscious and in some cases unconscious levels, we will Love to have the final word in how we live our lives, how we love ourselves and in turn each other, and how we free ourselves from the collective consciousness of various addictions.

I am happy to be a bridge and to be a part of a much bigger picture that yet remains to be fully seen. However the vision is yet for an appointed time. I have come away with alot of knowledge. But most importantly, I take with me the spirit of our teahcers and the 20 others who after this weekend will go to his or her neighborhood, community or corner of the world to plant seeds of healing within "the village". In so accomplishing this, we humbly begin with ourselves. For there is no healing in the without unless it starts first within.

Detox the World mind, body and soul! It is here. It is now.



1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I just posted about you juicing for us in class and linked to your blog. Just wanted you to know! ; )
