One of my mentors, Tegra Little recovered from stage IV cancer after embracing a 100% raw foods way of eating. This has been a huge inspiration for me whenever I feel like this isn't quite working and want to revert back to my old ways. But then I remember that old ways could lead to that old pain-filled life and clearly that's NOT what I want.
So I think of Tegra and others like her who have healed themselves. Their stories have been a mainstay in my consciousness as I too have experienced the healing benefits of eating this way. I can honestly say that I genuinely feel better when sticking to a living foods-based lifestyle. I do not consider myself a raw foodist per se' but I know that nutritional healing, cellular cleansing, proper food combining, digestive enzymes and good probiotic is key for me. Large intake of living foods provide a foundation for me. Likewise, seasonal cleansing and regular colonics are not rocket science for me. I simply know and do what has proven to feel good for my body and thankfully there has been a huge system of support in the form of family, friends, health and wellness mentors and associates.
I have found that freshly pressed vegetable green juice is the key to setting the foundation for each day. Also too much cooked food (especially during the day) just doesn't sit well on my tummy. I also have found that the gourmet dehydrated goodies of my raw, past now leave a bit to be desired. I am in a place now where large leafy green salads and simple meals seem to feel better to me.
My skin is clearer, the body aches and pains have dissipated, my thinking is clearer, I am still maintaining my weight, I sleep soundly (like a baby) and have a general sense of energy and wellbeing upon rising. As much as I delight in the sights and smells of the soul food of my past, I know that retreat is not an option. I have discovered a new form of dining that feeds my soul instead of zapping it one bite at a time. Because of this, I shall continue presssing on into my destiny of lifelong wellness through living foods (especially juicing) even if that means bumps, bruises, stumbling and backsliding along the way.
I try to articulate this to others with fibromyalgia and autoimmune illness and often find that there is a subtle disconnect and disbelief that one can really heal through nutrition. I recall just how painful my life was years ago when illness came for a visit. Like many who are faced with this lifechanging scenario, I too cried and mourned the loss of my former selves, and complained about how terrible it was to live every single day in a pain filled fog of lethargy and hopelessness. It would take time before I would finally decide to not be defined by the diagnosis and to choose to engage in my personal healing process. It finally rang true: "Fibromyalgia did not have to take over one's life....especially mine."
A few years ago I had the honor of speaking and singing at the Fibromyalgia Coalition International Conference in Kansas. I shared just how much fibro taught me. If we allow it to be so, we can honestly see the lessons in between the moments of pain and hopelessness. Fibro came to me as a teacher. What has it taught me? ALOT! However for the sake of a blog I'll list the top ten.
Top 10 lessons that a fibromyalgia diagnosis taught me:
- how to slow down and really BE
- it's ok to retire from "people pleasing"
- listening to my gut is my greatest tool for hearing my spirit
- it's ok to not always get everything done "right now"
- there is no honor in working myself into a pain filled hole when my body clearly gave me signals along the way that "enough is enough"
- I have the spiritual resolve to co-create with God in my healing process
- it is "done unto me as I believe" (when I stopped believing that I could not recover... the opposite happened)
- that family support is priceless
- I have the power within me to create a life that is worthy of feeling good every day
- God's great pharmacy really is found in nature's garden
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