- Let me list the ways:
- I love ME by making healthful choices that will aid in my continued healing & recovery.
- I love ME by not berating myself when I fall short of my personal or dietary desires.
- I love ME by slowing down and long enough to enjoy life's scenery & all who are a part of it.
- I love ME by maintaining a high raw indulgence for optimal health and vitality.
And the list goes on and on and on and on... Aaaaah!
As I settle into 2009, I am reminded that we all have within us an amazing wellspring of wisdom to make sound choices. We also have an awesome opportunity to do-over and do better today, and tomorrow (when it becomes "today") and the day after that.
We are constantly receiving daily opportunities to become more and be better. Sometimes, we sit in the miry pit of yesterday's disappointments never taking the time to look up and see that this moment is a gift. We can make good on that gift by shifting our perspective just a bit, make the choice to rise up from the ashes of past mistakes and take one baby step toward being the change that we wish to see in our lives. One's desire and will to change can be one of the most powerful tools that we can ever access and becomes even more powerful when we act on them. Faith without action is dead and becomes mere lip service in some cases.
Today , just for today, let's begin anew with forgiveness and self-love trailblazing before us... set the intention, take the baby step...and then let's watch in amazement at what the day brings.
Affirmation: Today, as an act of faith, I cast aside limited thinking and judgment. I tap into my greatness and say yes to that which serves to benefit me and others. Today, I experience the highest good in my body, mind, spirit, world and affairs.
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